Lecture - 08/25/2022

To build up a relationshhip with my partner, I should comment in his blog and also open up review tickets to communicate with him

When working with others, always pull before you make any additions, this ensures that we are on the latest version and that there are no difference conflicts.

There are multiple “shells” installed on a linux machine, such as bash, dash and zsh. The commands that we enter into terminal are like a pseudo-language. We can create bash scripts to automate actions in terminal for us.

Bash - Analyzing part 1

cd $project #cd means "Change Directory", $project is a variable named project
ls          # lists directory
ls -a       # lists directory with hidden files
ls -al      # lists directory with hidden files in long format

By using bash we can easily create scripts that automate terminal operations for us.

The Cloud

The cloud contains all git repositories. Individual computers can clone repositories from the cloud and down to our own SSD. This creates a link between our local repository and the remote repository.

A pull action will pull any new updates made to the repository down to our local repository and update it with the latest changes.

A push action will push any new updates from our local repository up to our remote directory in the cloud and contribute to the git repository.