Quiz Overview

Overall I scored a 48/50 on this MCQ, which isn’t a bad score. However, there are definitely still more places where I can improve and reinforce my knowledge for the class.

Question 5

On this problem, I incorrectly responded with choice A, when the actual correct answer was B. The main issue with me answering this problem wrong was not because of my knowledge, but simply because I was too careless in answering the question. Reading the question, I missed the part where it asked for the LEAST likely benefit offered by the newer implementation, which led me selecting the first option that seemed to offer benefit to the system as a whole. Knowing this, I will need to be careful in future tests and exams in ensuring that I read each question and choice carefully before I make my final judgment for the problem.

Question 31

On this problem, I made the same mistake as I did on question 5, where I didn’t read the answer choices close enough. The answer I chose, C, was very close to the correct answer, D. The only difference between the two answers was in C, where it checks if the sensor is not activiated, while response D indicates to check if the sensor IS activated. In order for the door system to work appropriately accordoing to it’s requested function and purpose, we must check if the sensor IS activated, making D right, and C wrong.