My N@TM Experience

The night at the museum event was definitely a fun activity for this tri. I was able to witness other group’s projects and designs and were able to see my friend’s improvements over time. This time around, everyone else were all more professional and experienced in the field of computer science, and the systems that many of us designed were more intricate and complicated. Moreover, I personally also felt more experienced and involved this time around because my skills also improved from last tri. This tri, I could explain my projects and algorithms much better than what I could’ve done last tri, and was able to properly explain the project to parents and other students alike. We also got various praises and constructive criticism from parents and students alike, making the experience worthwhile yet enjoyable..

First Project:

The first project that I saw was a country guessing game, which provided the user with a wide array of hints including flags and such and asks them to guess up to 18 countries. The project overall was well designed as all aspects worked properly. Moreover, the project was an interesting take on the popular wordle game, as it went outside of the original scope of the game’s design and attempted to try out something new.

Second Project:

The second project that I saw was Drew’s group’s purrdle game. The overaching project had a nice theme to it, being a website designed for a cat cafe business. The overall theme was very nice and the frontend had a great deal of work and effort put into it. The overall project works, having both frontend and backend functional and able to connect with one another. Overall, the program worked well, and was able to met most of the requirements.

Third Project:

The third project that I saw was a wordle game. Although the idea is unoriginal, the overall website works fine, and the frontend has well designed CSS to mimic the original game. The project is functional overall, and both the frontend and backend were able to connect and remain up througout the duration of the event.