Final MC results

Overall, the final was pretty easy and smooth. However, I think that there are definitely areas of improvement for me to not only increase my acccuracy but also my efficiency at these problems.

Incorrect Answers and Writeup

Writeup: Originally, I answered that the only strings of characters could be represented by digital binary sequences (i.e. the ASCII text encoding), and neglected the possibility of storing colors or audio recordings as binary.

However, after consulting some online resources and review the collegeboard 2.1 videos, I realized that almost everything in our world, weather it be abstract ideas or tangible objects, could be represented and abstracted into simple binary sequences. For instance, color may be encoded as a hex value or RGB code as we’ve experimented in our CSS style sheets for our project. In other cases, audio recordings may also be stored as binary sequence. For example, we can take the sound waves of a recording and simplify it into a numerical sequence. We could then parse that sequence through a computer, by transforming this numerical wave into sequences of binary bits instead. In fact, this is how most Machine Learning algorithms process sound for speech recognition and voice commands.

Overall conclusion and analysis

Overall, I feel like I have gained a strong grasp of the contents taught in this trimester about error checking, programming collaboration, computer networking, and etc. However I do think I could review some other topics on collegeboard such as data abstraction (binary representation), and some other topics to truly master my computer science knowledge and skills for trimester 2 of this course.