Here is the code for my quiz

Colors really help to spruce things up a little, can you get 100% without looking at the code?

Example Playthrough:

import getpass

class Colors:
    Colors class to print colored text to terminal, Does not work in fastpages :/
    # Man I love ANSI
    PINK = '\033[95m'
    LILAC = '\033[94m'
    BLUE = '\033[96m'
    GREEN = '\033[92m'
    YELLOW = '\033[93m'
    RED = '\033[91m'
    ENDC = '\033[0m'
    BOLD = '\033[1m'
    UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'

class Quiz():
    # Main class for the quiz
    def __init__(self):
        # Quiz "constructor", initiates list of questions and answers and other settings.
        self.ques = []
        self.ans = []
        self.colors = Colors()
        self.showans = False     # Show correct answers after a wrong input = 0           # Total questions
        self.correct = 0         # Total right
        self.skipped = 0         # Total skipped

    def addQues(self, question, answer):
        Adding Questions and answers to the quiz
        self.ans.append(answer) += 1          # increment total by 1 
    def askQues(self, idx):
        Helper function to ask one question, check answer, increment student data
        print(self.colors.PINK + "QUESTION: " + self.colors.ENDC + self.colors.BOLD + self.ques[idx] + self.colors.ENDC) # Print Question
        rsp = input(self.colors.YELLOW + "What is your response? " + self.colors.ENDC)                                    # Get Response
        if rsp.lower() == self.ans[idx].lower():                                                                         # Check answer
            print(self.colors.GREEN + "YOU ARE CORRECT!" + self.colors.ENDC + " Response " + self.colors.BLUE + rsp + self.colors.ENDC + " is correct!")
            self.correct += 1
        elif rsp.lower() == "/s":
            if self.showans:
                print(self.colors.YELLOW + "Skipping...." + " The right answer was " + self.colors.BLUE + self.ans[idx] + self.colors.ENDC)
                rint(self.colors.YELLOW + "Skipping...." + self.colors.ENDC)
            self.skipped += 1
            if self.showans:
                print(self.colors.RED + "Response '" + rsp + "' is incorrect." + self.colors.ENDC + " The right answer was " + self.colors.BLUE + self.ans[idx] + self.colors.ENDC)
                print(self.colors.RED + "Response '" + rsp + "' is incorrect." + self.colors.ENDC)

    def percentage(self, x, y):
        Function to calculate percentage correct
        return 100 * float(x)/float(y)

    def playQuiz(self):
        Main Quiz loop, set settings and ask questions
        show_ans = input(self.colors.UNDERLINE + "Would you like to show correct answers after incorrect responses? [y/n]" + self.colors.ENDC + " ")
        print(self.colors.YELLOW + "GOOD LUCK {0}!".format(getpass.getuser().upper()) + " Type '" + self.colors.BLUE + "/s" + self.colors.YELLOW + "' to skip!")
        if show_ans in ["y", "yes", "Y", "YES"]: # Multiple cases of user inputs, assume any other input / no input == False.
            self.showans = True
        for i in range(0,            # Iterate over all questions, no repetitive code here
        # Print a little congratulations message
        print(self.colors.LILAC + "Congratulations! you got " + self.colors.GREEN + '{0:.2f}'.format(self.percentage(self.correct, + "%" + self.colors.LILAC + " and {0} questions skipped on this quiz!".format(self.colors.YELLOW + str(self.skipped) + self.colors.LILAC)) 

# Creating our quiz
q1 = Quiz()

q1.addQues("Name the Python output command mentioned in this lesson?", "print")
q1.addQues("If you see many lines of code in order, what would College Board call it?", "sequence")
q1.addQues("What keyword in python is used to describe a function?", "def")
q1.addQues("What command is used to include other functions that were previously developed?", "import")
q1.addQues("What command is used to evaluate correct or incorrect response in this quiz?", "if")
q1.addQues("Each 'if' command contains an '_________' to determine a true or false condition?", "expression")
q1.addQues("What is an input to a function or method called?", "parameter")
q1.addQues("If Input is data the computer receives, what is the data that the computer sends back?", "output")
q1.addQues("What is a reusable block of code called?", "function")
q1.addQues("What operator is used for string concatenation in Python?", "+")

GOOD LUCK ERIS29! Type '/s' to skip!
QUESTION: Name the Python output command mentioned in this lesson?
YOU ARE CORRECT! Response print is correct!
QUESTION: If you see many lines of code in order, what would College Board call it?
YOU ARE CORRECT! Response sequence is correct!
QUESTION: What keyword in python is used to describe a function?
YOU ARE CORRECT! Response def is correct!
QUESTION: What command is used to include other functions that were previously developed?
Response 'include' is incorrect. The right answer was import
QUESTION: What command is used to evaluate correct or incorrect response in this quiz?
YOU ARE CORRECT! Response if is correct!
QUESTION: Each 'if' command contains an '_________' to determine a true or false condition?
Skipping.... The right answer was expression
QUESTION: What is an input to a function or method called?
YOU ARE CORRECT! Response parameter is correct!
QUESTION: If Input is data the computer receives, what is the data that the computer sends back?
YOU ARE CORRECT! Response output is correct!
QUESTION: What is a reusable block of code called?
YOU ARE CORRECT! Response function is correct!
QUESTION: What operator is used for string concatenation in Python?
YOU ARE CORRECT! Response + is correct!
Congratulations! you got 80.00% and 1 questions skipped on this quiz!