import sqlite3
import csv
import pandas as pd
import tabulate as tb
from io import StringIO as IO

# Grab User input
db_name = input("What name do you want your database to be?")
table_name = input("What name do you want your table to be?")

# Create path for database 
database = 'instance/' + db_name + ".db"

# Useful queries to use
create_table_query = f"""CREATE TABLE {table_name} ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, task TEXT NOT NULL, location TEXT, complete_by DATE, time Text, AMPM Text);"""
check_table_exists_query = f"""SELECT count(name) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='{table_name}'; """
create_entry_query = f"""INSERT INTO {table_name} (task, location, complete_by, time, AMPM) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?);"""
check_duplicate_entry_query = f"""SELECT count(*) FROM {table_name} WHERE (task=? AND location=? AND complete_by=? AND time=? AND AMPM=?)"""
drop_table_query = f"""DROP TABLE {table_name};"""
select_all_query = f"""SELECT * FROM {table_name}"""

get_task_query = f"""SELECT task FROM {table_name} WHERE id=?"""
get_location_query = f"""SELECT location FROM {table_name} WHERE id=?"""
get_complete_by_query = f"""SELECT complete_by FROM {table_name} WHERE id=?"""
get_time_query = f"""SELECT time FROM {table_name} WHERE id=?"""
get_ampm_query = f"""SELECT AMPM FROM {table_name} WHERE id=?"""

update_query = f"""UPDATE {table_name} SET task = ?, location = ?, complete_by = ?, time = ?, AMPM = ? WHERE id = ?"""

delete_row_query = f"""DELETE FROM {table_name} WHERE id = ?"""

# Other variables
affirmatives = ["yes", "ye", "y", "ok", "sure"]
def init_table():
    # Connect to the database file
    conn = sqlite3.connect(database)

    # Create a cursor object to execute SQL queries
    cursor = conn.cursor()

    # Execute table creation query we made earlier
    if cursor.fetchone()[0]==0 :
        yn = input("Table already exists, override?")
        if yn.lower() in affirmatives:
            print("Updated Schema, All data wiped")


Updated Schema, All data wiped
def schema():
    # Connect to the database file
    conn = sqlite3.connect(database)

    # Create a cursor object to execute SQL queries
    cursor = conn.cursor()
    # Fetch results of Schema
    results = cursor.execute("PRAGMA table_info('todo')").fetchall()

    # Print the results
    for row in results:

    # Close the database connection
(0, 'id', 'INTEGER', 0, None, 1)
(1, 'task', 'TEXT', 1, None, 0)
(2, 'location', 'TEXT', 0, None, 0)
(3, 'complete_by', 'DATE', 0, None, 0)
(4, 'time', 'Text', 0, None, 0)
(5, 'AMPM', 'Text', 0, None, 0)
def create(task, location, complete_by, time, am_pm):
    # Connect to the database file
    conn = sqlite3.connect(database)

    # Create a cursor object to execute SQL queries
    cursor = conn.cursor()
    # Fetch results of Schema
    unique = True if cursor.execute(check_duplicate_entry_query, (task, location, complete_by, time, am_pm)).fetchall()[0][0] == 0 else False
    if not unique:
        yn = input(f"Duplicate entry detected with task: {task}\n location: {location}\n complete by date: {complete_by}\n time: {time}{am_pm}\n Still Add task?")
        if yn.lower() not in affirmatives:
            print("Not adding duplicate entry.")
            # Execute an SQL command to insert data into a table, date is in form of 'YYYY-MM-DD'
            cursor.execute(create_entry_query, (task, location, complete_by, time, am_pm))
            # Commit the changes to the database
            print(f"A new task {task} has been created")
    except sqlite3.Error as error:
        print("Error while executing the INSERT:", error)

    # Close the database connection
create("Finish USH Poster Project", "Home", "2023-03-17", "7:00", "AM")
create("Start Homework", "Home", "2023-03-18", "4:15", "PM")
#create("Bring out Trash cans", "Home", "2023-03-18", "5:00", "PM")
#create("Cook Dinner", "Home", "2023-03-18", "6:00", "PM")
A new task Finish USH Poster Project has been created
A new task Start Homework has been created
def import_csv(values):
    reader = csv.reader(values.split('|'), delimiter=",")
    complete_by = []
    times = []
    ampms = []
    for entry in reader:
        assert len(entry) == 5
    for i in range(len(tasks)):
        create(tasks[i], locations[i], complete_by[i], times[i], ampms[i])

import_csv("""Finish Research Literature Review, Home, 2023-03-20, 8:00, PM
Go to Gym, LA Fitness, 2023-03-21, 6:00, PM
Teach Sister Piano, Home, 2023-03-21, 8:00, PM""")
def read():
    # Connect to the database file
    conn = sqlite3.connect(database)

    # Create a cursor object to execute SQL queries
    cursor = conn.cursor()
    # Execute a SELECT statement to retrieve data from a table
    results = cursor.execute(select_all_query).fetchall()

    # Print the results
    if len(results) == 0:
        print("Table is empty")
        temp_arr = [[str(j) for j in i] for i in results]
        df = pd.DataFrame( data = temp_arr[1:] , columns = temp_arr[0])**{'text-align': 'left'})

    # Close the cursor and connection objects
1         Finish USH Poster Project        Home  2023-03-17  7:00  AM
2                    Start Homework        Home  2023-03-18  4:15  PM
3 Finish Research Literature Review        Home  2023-03-20  8:00  PM
4                         Go to Gym  LA Fitness  2023-03-21  6:00  PM
5                Teach Sister Piano        Home  2023-03-21  8:00  PM
def update():
    # Connect to the database file
    conn = sqlite3.connect(database)

    # Create a cursor object to execute SQL commands
    cursor = conn.cursor()

    id = input("Enter task id to update")
    task = input("Enter updated task (Esc to keep default):") or cursor.execute(get_task_query, (id)).fetchall()[0][0]
    location = input("Enter updated location (Esc to keep default):") or cursor.execute(get_location_query, (id)).fetchall()[0][0]
    complete_by = input("Enter updated date of completion in YYYY-MM-DD format (Esc to keep default):") or cursor.execute(get_complete_by_query, (id)).fetchall()[0][0]
    time = input("Enter updated time (Esc to keep default):") or cursor.execute(get_time_query, (id)).fetchall()[0][0]
    ampm = input("Enter AM or PM (Esc to keep default):") or cursor.execute(get_ampm_query, (id)).fetchall()[0][0]
    print(id, task, location, complete_by, time, ampm)
    # Connect to the database file
    conn = sqlite3.connect(database)

    # Create a cursor object to execute SQL commands
    cursor = conn.cursor()

        # Execute an SQL command to update data in a table
        cursor.execute(update_query, (task, location, complete_by, time, ampm, id))
        if cursor.rowcount == 0:
            # The id was not found in the table
            print(f"Task id {id} was not found in the table")
            print(f"Task {id} has been updated")
    except sqlite3.Error as error:
        print("Error while executing the UPDATE:", error)
    # Close the cursor and connection objects

1         Finish USH Poster Project        Home  2023-03-17  7:00  AM
2                    Start Homework        Home  2023-03-18  4:15  PM
3 Finish Research Literature Review        Home  2023-03-20  8:00  PM
4                         Go to Gym  LA Fitness  2023-03-21  6:00  PM
5                Teach Sister Piano        Home  2023-03-21  8:00  PM
5 Teach Sister Piano  Home 2023-03-22  8:00  PM
Task 5 has been updated
def delete():
    id = input("Enter task number to delete")

    # Connect to the database file
    conn = sqlite3.connect(database)

    # Create a cursor object to execute SQL commands
    cursor = conn.cursor()

        cursor.execute(delete_row_query, (id))
        if cursor.rowcount == 0:
            # The uid was not found in the table
            print(f"Task {id} was not found in the table")
            # The uid was found in the table and the row was deleted
            print(f"Task {id} was successfully deleted")
    except sqlite3.Error as error:
        print("Error while executing the DELETE:", error)
    # Close the cursor and connection objects

1         Finish USH Poster Project        Home  2023-03-17  7:00  AM
2                    Start Homework        Home  2023-03-18  4:15  PM
3 Finish Research Literature Review        Home  2023-03-20  8:00  PM
4                         Go to Gym  LA Fitness  2023-03-21  6:00  PM
5                Teach Sister Piano        Home  2023-03-22  8:00  PM
Task 2 was successfully deleted
def menu():
    print("Please select an operation:\n\t 1) Add new entries \n\t 2) Import CSV entries \n\t 3) View Tasks \n\t 4) Update Task \n\t 5) Delete Task \n \t 6) Schema")
    option = input()
    if option== "1":
        print("\nAdding New entry\n")
        task = input("Enter updated task:")
        location = input("Enter updated location:")
        complete_by = input("Enter updated date of completion in YYYY-MM-DD format:")
        time = input("Enter updated time:")
        ampm = input("Enter AM or PM:")
        create(task, location, complete_by, time, ampm)
    elif option == "2":
        print("\nImporting Entries\n")
        to_import = input("Enter raw csv data, seperated by commas, split by new line characters")
    elif option == "3":
        print("\nDisplaying Entries\n")
    elif option == "4":
        print("\nUpdating Entries\n")
    elif option == "5":
        print("\nDeleting Entries\n")
    elif option == "6":
        print("\nDatabase Schema\n")
        print("See you next time!")

# Finish Research Literature Review, Home, 2023-03-20, 8:00, PM|Go to Gym, LA Fitness, 2023-03-21, 6:00, PM|Teach Sister Piano, Home, 2023-03-21, 8:00, PM
Please select an operation:
	 1) Add new entries 
	 2) Import CSV entries 
	 3) View Tasks 
	 4) Update Task 
	 5) Delete Task 
 	 6) Schema

Displaying Entries

1 Finish Research Literature Review        Home  2023-03-20  8:00  PM
2                         Go to Gym  LA Fitness  2023-03-21  6:00  PM
3                Teach Sister Piano        Home  2023-03-21  8:00  PM
Please select an operation:
	 1) Add new entries 
	 2) Import CSV entries 
	 3) View Tasks 
	 4) Update Task 
	 5) Delete Task 
 	 6) Schema
See you next time!