Overall Scores:

Reflection on the questions:

I was able to retain a high level of accuracy as I did this MCQ. One thing that I realized was that I had a different interpretation of some terms and definitions than collegeboard did, so I will need to start a hollistic review of all the Units and Big Ideas so that I am on the same page as the AP Exam. The one question that I got wrong this time was due to a lack of awareness and carelessness on my part.

Wrong Questions

In this question, I just screwed up while thinking about the problem. I answered “B”, which was the wrong answer to the question. I initially thought that by changing the conditional to greater than or equal to would serve to reinforce that only the 9th (10th index in a 0 based index) index would be added. However, I forgot that collegeboard pseudo-code uses 1-based indexing. The correct answer was actually C, which swaps the position of the two lines such that the first element added onto the sum is the actual first element of the array, all the way up to the tenth index.