Overall Scores:

Reflection on the questions:

Overall, I feel like the practice MCQ was pretty easy. I was able to answer all quizzes with a high degree of accuracy, with the exception of getting two problems wrong. The classes as a whole were really helpful in reinforcing the concepts, as we had hands-on experience with parallel processing and ther topics like algorithmns and binary.

Wrong Questions

In this question, I mistook quadratic time as being an inefficient algorithm due to it’s nature of growing faster over time. However, this is wrong as O(n^2) is a polynomial running time, which makes it a reasonable algorithm compared to exponential or even factorial running times of other algorithms.

On this question, I selected C, which was the wrong answer, instead of A, which was the right answer. The reason that C is wrong is because the loop contains a greater than or equal to statement, comapring the current index to the last index in the list. Thus, when we reach the last element in the list, the loop terminates, and the program no longer compares it to the maximum value, which would result in certain cases giving the wrong output.