Overall Scores:


For this particular quiz, I was able to get a perfect score becuase most of not all of the questions were all previous questions that we’ve done before. However, after doing the quiz I still found that there were certain question types that I needed to analyze and improve myself on. One of these topics are longer questions, which require diagrams and schematics to analyze. These questions typically contain a lot of inforation on them, and I found that a good tactic to manage my time and management was to make notes on paper to help me record down the neessary facts and data from the diagrams. Doning so will allow me to have a clear idea while problem solving, and be better at recalling speicific pieces of information

Additionally, I found the problems asking for Database management and data analysis to be amongst the riskier questions for me. These questions, especially the ones that reuiqre you to find an invalid or valid approach to do something, is more complicated than the other problems as they focus on specifc details and nuances present within the problem. I will need to be extra careful when completing these questions in the future.