Overall Scores:

Reflection on the 3 Quizzes:

Overall, I feel like the classes that we had prepared me pretty well for these 3 quizzes. I was able to answer all quizzes with a high degree of accuracy, with the exception of the “Extracting Information From Data” Quiz, where I answerd one of the questions inccorectly. The classes as a whole were really helpful in reinforcing the concepts, as we had hands-on experisnce with image compressoin with PIL and data extraction with pandas.

Analysis of Hard/Missed Questions:

On this problem, I answered the question incorrectly by assuming that the overall quantity of the items boughtat a concert would correlate to the audience’s retention rate. However, this is incorrect as this piece of data can fluctuate on more factors than just the amount of participants at a concert. The correct answer should’ve been A, where we could’ve used the average ticket price in conjunction with the total amount of dollars spent at the event to determine an approximate of how many people actually attended the concert. This problem was a huge oversight on my part because I failed to consider other alternative methods to calculate the number of attendees, including ones with mathematical operations