Quiz Overview

Overall I scored a 48/50 on this MCQ, which isn’t a bad score. However, there are definitely still more places where I can improve and reinforce my knowledge for the class.

Question 30

On this problem, I incorrectly responded with B and D, when the actual correct answer was B and C. The main issue with me answering this problem wrong was not because of my knowledge, but simply because I was too careless in answering the last few questions. Option D is wrong because although it starts out with the right center coordinates, it starts with an initial radius of 3, but quickly decrements it to 2 for the first circle, which would ultimately scale down the true sizes of the circles. A better option would be choice C, which uses almost the same sequencing, but prints out the circle first before decrementing, which would result in the right response

Question 33

On this problem, I failed to recognize that the possible input to the program could be negative. By excluding negative values, I made the erroneous assumption that the given inputs will always be positive numbers, hence always greater than -1, and overwriting the intial value. However, if all inputs were negative values smaller than -1, the first program would return the wrong value as -1 would be greater than all other inpout values, and thus never updated. Thus in this scenario, the program will output -1, the initial condition, instead of the true maximum. I was correct to assume that the other algorithm would work well.