Home CS61A: Multiple Environments

CS61A: Multiple Environments

Multiple Environments

Tracing a User-Defined Function

CodeBehind the Scenes
Def Statement A new function is created!
The name is bounded to the function in the current frame
Call expressionEvaluate the operator and the operand
The functions is called on the arguments
Performing the function call A new frame is created!
The function parameters are bound to the arguments
The body executes in the new environment

Multiple Environments in One Diagram

  • Remember, the earlier the frame is, the more towards the bottom it is in the environmental diagram.
  • For nested functions, we first evaluate whatever the operands of the function is.
    • We first draw a new frame for the operand function.
    • We then pass the return value of the operand function to the operator function.
  • Environment == Sequence of frames
    • Only a global frame
    • local frame followed by a global frame.
    • we can find any given environment by following the parents of the frames.
  • Names have no meaning without an environment.
    • Every expression is evaluated in the context of an environment.
      • This means that any name is evaluated to the value which is bound to that name in the earliest frame of the current environment containing the name.

Names can have different meanings in different Environments

  • This is because different environments have different combinations of frames.
    • Within each frame, there is a possibility of a particular name being defined to another value.
  • It is important to note that a call expression and the actual function body are evaluated in seperate environments.
    • The call expression belongs to a parent frame (a “later” environment)
    • The function body creates another frame (an “earlier” environment)
    • Because of this, we have have functions that have the same name as their parameters.
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