List Processing Procedures Review
- Built-in Methods: -
(append s t)
: Concatenates two or more lists together into a new list
-(map f s)
: Call a procedures f on each element of a list and returns a new list with the results of the procedure.
-(filter f s)
: Return a new list with only the elements of the old list that evaluate as true through the procedure f.
-(apply f s)
: Call a procedure f with the leements of a list s as its arguments. - Quasiquote (`): Within a quasiquote, we can terminate where we literally interperate elements
- Ex: Write a procedure to return how many cons cells appear in the diagram for a value s.
(define (cons-count s)
(if (list? s) ; Check if the element is a list or not
(+ (length s) (apply + (map cons-counts))) ; If it is a list, we add the length of each element that is a list onto the length of the list
0 ; An element that is just itself has 0 additional cons.
- We may catch certain errors in Python and perform some other action if an error or a particular error is encountered.
Calculator Syntax
- The Calculator language has primitive expressions and call expressions.
- A primitive expression is a number: 2, -4 5.6
- A call expression is a combination that begins with an opreator (+, -, *, /) followed by 0 or more expressions:
- (+ 1 2 3)
- (/ 3 (+ 4 5))
- These expressions may be expressed as a tree.
- Primitives evaluates to themselves, while a call evaluates to its argument values comboined by an operator.