Home CS61A: Lambda Expressions

CS61A: Lambda Expressions

Lambda Expressions

  • Expressions that evaluate to a function.
    • We can directly assign a name to a function without defining it in our frame with def
x = 10
square = x * x              # This expression evaluates to a number
square = lambda x : x * x   # This expression evaluates to a function
  • Lambda syntax:
    • lambda <formal parameter> : <return value>
    • “A function with formal parameter that returns the value of return value.”
  • The lambda expression is limited to only have a single expression as its return value.
    • Cannot have any additional statements.

Lambda Expressions Versus Def Statements

Lambda BothDef
square = lambda x: x * x def square(x): return x * x
First creates a function with no name, then an assignment statement binds the function to the name Same parent (frame in which they were defined)Both binding and function creation happens as a byproduct of def statement (intrinsic naming)
  • Hence, the environmental diagrams for lambda functions and def statements are different.
    • Instead of writing a name for the lambda, we denote the function and the frame name as “λ”.
    • However, names can still be bound to the function within a frame.
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